Driveline Components

Join out team

Over 50 years of expertise in high-performance driveline components.


Driveline Components

Join out team

Over 50 years of expertise in high-performance driveline components.


become member of oymak family

Hiring process

1.Contact Us

Use the contact section below to send us your request, and leave us the rest. Our expert sales repersentetices will get back to you as soon as posible.

1.Contact Us

Use the contact section below to send us your request, and leave us the rest. Our expert sales repersentetices will get back to you as soon as posible.

2.Review phase

Our Sales Rep, Will work with our expert engineers to develop your part.

2.Review phase

Our Sales Rep, Will work with our expert engineers to develop your part.


After the development phase is done, will be doing what we do best, manufacture it!


After the development phase is done, will be doing what we do best, manufacture it!
